Category Archives: #6 Two Methods of Healing

A manuscript painting of birds in a tree.

Two Methods of Healing

After my seminary training I traveled around the world to see how other spiritual practitioners performed healings. I witnessed Filipino, Tibetan, Asian-Indian, church-sponsored healers, psychics, and Indigenous healers practice their healing skills. Some of the rituals used were very ancient and primitive. Some healers knew how they manipulated energy, but most had no real awareness or understanding of how, or why, their healings worked, or failed to work. Most were trained by some previous practitioner and peddled their skills solely on their faith in their teachers.

Please do not misunderstand me, I am not making a judgement on the skills of these healers. Many are excellent healers! I am, however, asking you to “know” how your style of healing works, or fails to be successful. Having faith in yourself, and your God, is only one component of a healing. The other is to consciously (intentionally) know what you are actually doing in directing a healing.

I have seen healers sacrifice some animal, wave a feather or some other prop, or chant over patient—all to change the energy. However, most of these healers are not aware of what they are actually doing, except for performing a ritual. I want you to know, see and feel what you are doing. I want you to understand how you are manipulating the energy to heal. It takes only a slight shift in your perception to do this.

Use the techniques in Series 4 to clear out the energy in your own space that does not allow you to know, see, and/or feel how the healing is working. Trust yourself—there is no one better. You can do anything in a healing from changing the energy alignment to repairing the cells in the body. After performing the healing consciously make a separation and replenish your own energy.