A pottery vase with yellow, orange, and black color by Carol R. Wolfe.

Rule #3 How do you know what energy you have (or you are using)? You do so by knowing, seeing, and/or feeling the energy. Trust yourself. There is no fixed definition of a particular energy. Look at it for yourself.


Healing is the ability to change energy with the intent of improving some outcome. In your normal ritual practice, you ARE giving yourself a healing by consciously directing the flow of the energy in your space. The same dynamic occurs when you are directing a healing to another person.

“Dis-ease” is just that! It is an energy, often, coupled with an emotionally-charged experience, embedded in your body causing a disease, or discomfort.  It is “yours’ to fix, with the help of others, because it is in your personal universe. Do not disown it. To change the dis-ease, you need to own it to command a change. You may encounter the feelings of fear that the disease is more powerful than you. However, nothing is more powerful than you. You have the power to command energy, and thus you can change the dis-ease.

For example, I was repeatedly medically tested and diagnosed with COPD. This is a chronic, progressive, and terminal lung disease. My lung capacity fell to 47% and was worsening quickly. I, then, decided to change the energy of this disease. After four months of daily energy work focusing on my COPD, I was tested again, but this time my lung capacity score was 110% for my age and gender. I had fixed my damaged lungs and created ones that were similar to a competitive athlete.

A key component of a healing is the decision to change. A healing will not be successful without an agreement to be healed.  To illustrate this point, a person who has an alcohol abuse problem cannot be healed, until and unless, they choose to change. Even if you do a healing, they will recreate the energy of the disease until they choose to change. Therefore, gaining one’s permission to be healed is key because it denotes a willingness to change and the acceptance of a healing.

“Let go and let God” is a phrase you can use to guide you in a healing.

A healing is an active decision to make to change (with permission). A healing should be effortless. If it is not, it means you have hit the energy of fear that has curtailed your own self-confidence. Recognize this, and patiently find your way through it. Discover a sense of playfulness to command the energy to change. Being in alignment with your concept of God will allow you to create miracles with ease.

“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, …” (John 14:12)

Use the tools in “Series 4 Energy Flow” to change the energy. Remember to replace and create energy in affinity to the person you are healing. Other- wise, they will not be able to continue to heal themselves.

I have often seen people pray “at” someone.  This prayer energy often blocks the ability of the person to heal themselves because the energy is foreign to their body. One should, instead direct their prayers to God for help in a healing. God will ensure the energy is in affinity to the one being healed.

I have witnessed two types of healings. There is often some differences in the ritual props or practices involved in the healings, but a healing usually is done with 1. Your own energy or 2. The energy of a spirit guide, ancestor, or deceased teacher. Either one can be effective.

If you choose to use your own energy to heal another, there are a few things you need to pay attention to. The first, is whether or not your energy will work well in your patient. Make sure the energy you use is in affinity with the one you are healing. Another concern is that you, the healer, may feel depleted or exhausted after giving away your energy. Remember to separate from the healing when you finish and replenish your energy.

In the second type of healing, the healer uses a spirit guide to perform the healing. The healer often does not know or see how they are actually doing the healing. They are just performing the mechanics of the healing in the way they were taught—something akin to being a blind surgeon.

In this latter case the healer needs to create, and enforce, an agreement with the spirit guide performing the healing. What I have seen far too often is that the spirit guide “takes over” the body of the healer. Over time this injures the healer’s body because it is “foreign” energy. As a healer, you need to direct the spirit guide to not only heal the patient, but also to not injure you. Clear boundaries and separation from a spirit guide will allow you to continue your work without ill-health consequences.

Using a spirit guide is often sold to the healer as being better than directing the healing himself. The healer often succumbs to this belief as his ego is praised by his patients and the spirit guide. In time the healer, then, loses his own faith in himself and his control over the spirit guide.

Spiritual Healing

Explaining the Process of Spiritual Healing of Critically-ill Patients: A Grounded Theory Study (National Institute of Health)


Spiritual Healing: What is it?


Spirituality and Healing (Harvard University)
